Business Certification - Accredited Exams and Programs
The GBM Graduate Board of Management ™ and International Board of Standards
Founded in 1996, via a consortium of organizations that focus on Management, Finance, E-Business, Consulting, and Leadership ™. The GBM Graduate Academy of Standards in Management was originally established as a professional leadership organization for Graduate MBA Students by act of Charter. Later in 1997, the GBM became an independent chartered organization. The IBS Graduate Board of Management currently recognizes over 25,000 Executives, Managers, PhDs, Masters Degree Holders, government officials, and consultants as executive members in over 150 nations. The GBM Board has over 50,000 candidates, associate members, and fellows in our database. As there had not been a cross disciplinary graduate professional management standards organization specifically for Executives, The IBS/GBM Graduate Board of Management ™ and Accreditation Commission for Business and Management Certification has met this need and become the organization of choice for highly educated individuals or industry experts because The Graduate Board of Management requires an Government recognized and accredited college degree or equivalent to achieve one of it's recognized certifications.
The Graduate Board is "Vendor Neutral" and independent of any company product or service. The Graduate Academy awards professional designations, charters and certifications to those who: Apply and gain acceptance into a government recognized program and complete an accredited program and exams. After 4 years of exams and courses along with obtaining relevant industry experience, the successful applicant can then apply to the Graduate Board for Certification and Designation in the specialization.
~ What We Are ~
*A USA Certifying Body offering Professional Designations and Board Certification to those who have completed qualified and accredited program exams and degrees. We recognize over 700 government approved and accredited business programs globally. Thus, people who graduate from the top 700 accredited programs and exams are qualified to join.
~ WHAT WE ARE NOT ~ *We are NOT a skills or training group NOR are we a certificate company for proficiency in a undergraduate level skills, software or computer applications. We do NOT offer a quiz for a certificate to those who have not successfully completed Accredited Exams and College Degree Education.
Furthermore, IBS Graduate Board of Management ™ has several Primary global certifications available for its membership. See Certifications. The IBS International Board of Standards ™ is the regulatory body for the much sought after Designations and Credentials. The IBS Graduate Board of Management ™ Executive Designation Programs provide the assurance that the holder has met the suggested criteria for graduate credentials set out in the Ibanez and Peel US Supreme Court Decisions. Further, the IBS Graduate Board of Management board certification requires meeting 6 different levels of global criteria including ethics. Acceptance into the IBS Graduate Board of Management is a high distinction and requires the holder to possess a graduate level portfolio of skills and knowledge. Acceptance statistics are not high, and the designation when achieved is a high honor strictly for accredited degree holders or individuals with equivalent backgrounds.
The IBS Graduate Board of Management ™ has seen a dramatic rise to global leadership and membership in recent years, as executives and managers strive to maintain and augment their education, unique credentials, integrity, and skill sets. IBS Graduate Board of Management has strategic recognition extended to over 800+ of the top business programs globally including schools of the The AACSB ™ International, EQUIS ™, ABA, and The ACBSP ™ accreditation agencies. Thus, IBS Graduate Board of Management sanctions and recognizes only the best graduate training and college programs. IBS Graduate Board of Management also has granted many recognitions and alliances with many distinguished eructation institutions via our Accreditation Commission and Council.
IBS Graduate Board of Management’s mission is to serve its global membership and stakeholders as a world leader in educating and reinforcing the international knowledge of executives and potential leadership of institutions. IBS Graduate Board of Management ™ now has representative offices in the USA, Amman, Cairo, Philippines, UK, Hong Kong, Beijing, India, Moscow, Dubai, Latin America and South America, Africa, Singapore, The Caribbean, Europe, and more. IBS Graduate Board of Management ™ mandates consent to high standards of professional conduct, and IBS Graduate Board of Management activities are International in nature and scope.